martes, 28 de junio de 2011

Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

Beautiful Black and White Photos of Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan
Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie in Afghanistan

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi there , I have posted this comment about this beautifull lady and her dynamite partner Brad in all of my web pages, I thank you for allowing me to post it here. My name is Jess DeCristo, I'm an ex-marine, ex-green beret and I retired from the motion picture stunt business back in '96, after 20 years. " I started out admiring her incredible beauty, then her spell binding acting captivated me, then I found out she did most of her own stunts , Heeeeeyyyyy! Just when I didn't think it be possible that I could admire and love this lady so much, I found out of the incredible work she and Brad do for the united nation's refugee program. She learned how to fly just to take food, clothing and medicines to the poorest of the poor in places like Iran, Iraq, India, Africa, Afghanista, Sarajevo, Bosnia , Haiti , Ecuador, El salvador , and last year when so many were fleeing Ghadafy's forces, Angie & Brad were rigth there at the Jordanian border. It's no wonder why God has blessed this beautifull couple so much , this is just one of the envies from people like Rose Ann & Madonna, today's Laurel & Hardy. May God bless them always " , thank you, sincerely, Jess DeCristo.

  2. Oooops ! I got so carried away with how I feel over Angie while I was doing my last comment on her & Brad, I forgot to say how beautifull these snap shots came out ,then again, Angie has NEVER taken a bad snap shot , she looks good no matter what she has on or where she's at or what she's doing, this is called Charisma baby.
